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Research Themes

Digi-Encyclopedia of Indian Traditional Housing

In the present era of modernisation, the knowledge of traditional housing practices is at the brink of being lost. We aim to develop a Digi-Encyclopedia using augmented reality (AR) technology for only traditional housing typologies to create an interactive learning system, which helps people to understand science, engineering and visualize the 3D structure.

Structural Health Assessment & Monitoring

Structural health assessment and monitoring became an important part of Infrastructural life, which is largely due to unpredictable loading and ageing. If properly carried, it will ensure public safety and saves economy. There are several methodologies to predict the health of the structures like destructive, non-destructive and sensor-based testing. If the current methodologies equipped with latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence, SHA & M will be very effective.

3D Modelling and Conservation of Heritage Structures

Ancient structures of nation are the practical remains of the past. Exploring these structures helps to understand the structural significance of each and every part precisely and techniques used apart from culture and traditions. In this research, Heritage structural materials are understood and three dimensional models are developed to understand their stability.

Most of the structures in the earthquake prone region are designed based on the data obtained from the past earthquakes and structural damages. Embedded sensors in the structures can lead to breakthrough of understanding linear and nonlinear behaviour of the structure during the complete duration of an earthquake. It's important for the structures whose functionality has been changed and loads are not considered.

Earthquake Structural Response

Smart Structures

A smart structures are the ensembles of various smart technologies. In real time smart structures can process the information and respond adaptively for any changes in its own condition and to the environmental conditions. Overall, it gains in terms of lower maintenance cost, higher safety, recommendations for repair work and prevention of disasters like structure collapses. Integrating smart structures with Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) provisions for the learning and decision making. In the days to come, smart structures evolve, gradually undermining the distinction between Technology and nature.

With improper planning of urban development or lack of vision in expansion of cities, construction of sudden apartments, flyovers have led to sudden turns, columns of houses on roads. These sudden abrupt structures are leading to the fatal accidents. Even though these kinds of studies are not new to American and European researchers, very less research has been done for Indian roads.  The work aims to develop numerical models to understand and estimate the damage incurred to structure due to different vehicular collisions and at various speeds.

Structural Damage Due to Vehicle Collision or Blast

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